Tech Tip: Use Ping to return the host name of a computer

The SYS_CONTEXT function is able to return the following host and IP address information for the current session: TERMINAL - An operating system identifier for the current session. This is often the client machine name. HOST - The host name of the client machine. IP_ADDRESS - The IP address of the client machine. You can also use 'host' command to find IP address associated with a hostname. Since a hostname can have multiple IP address, its better to use a DNS lookup utillity like host or nslookup. This way you will get all the IP address which that DNS name (hostname) is pointing. Commands like ping will only show one of the IP address mapped to the Symptom You are given an IP address and customer asked you to find the hostname from the IP address. Solution 1. host IP-ADDRESS host 2. dig Note that hostnames within a CDN will not resolve to the canonical domain name (e.g. ""), but rather the hostname of the host IP you queried (e.g. ""; interesting tidbit: 1e100 is 1 googol). Also note that DNS hosts can have more than one name. Dec 08, 2003 · Given an IP address, however, you can also use the Ping utility to return the TCP/IP host name of the Windows computer you're tracing. SEE: Download: Time management tips for tech professionals Feb 26, 2015 · I need to give an iPad Air II access to my WiFi network and I need to find its hostname (not sure what Apple calls it) so I can give it a DHCP (IPV4) reservation. But I can't figure how to find it. The method outlined in Apple's FAQs assumes the device already is networked but isn't applicable to discovering the hostname if it isn't already

Jan 18, 2018

Jan 18, 2018 How To Find Your Computer Name from the Command Prompt Apr 10, 2019

Hello folks CUCM SW Direct SIP trunk without CUBE. Can Call Manager use host name in the @ field instead of IP-address on outgoing calls? I mean instead of: INVITE sip:400@ SIP/2.0 to send its hostname INVITE sip:

There are many ways to find hostname and IP address of a local machine. Here is a simple method to find hostname and IP address using python code. Library used – socket: This module provides access to the BSD socket interface. It is available on all modern Unix systems, Windows, MacOS, and probably additional platforms. Method used : Aug 15, 2015 · All devices on your network have an IP address, even an Apple iPad. Open the DOS mode in your computer to find the SMTP IP address. Click the “Start” button and type “cmd” in the search box. Select the “cmd” icon from the results. The cmd prompt window will open. Type one of the following commands at the prompt: ping mail That is the function of the Domain Name System (DNS). The DNS is a distributed database which maps URLs to IP addresses. Local DNS server have a cache of frequently requested URLs. Hello folks CUCM SW Direct SIP trunk without CUBE. Can Call Manager use host name in the @ field instead of IP-address on outgoing calls? I mean instead of: INVITE sip:400@ SIP/2.0 to send its hostname INVITE sip: