Mac Time Capsule let Mac time machine save backup files to windows OS based PC. Only 3 steps, you can easily make your PC as a Time Capsule. No need buy expensive airport time capsule. Mac Time Capsule makes the backup stable and seamless.

Mar 22, 2017 · If you’re using an 802.11ac Time Capsule (tall shape, rather than flat shape), you’ll be warned that the version of AirPort Utility you’re using is incompatible. Ignore this, and click “Continue”. Select your Time Capsule on the left, and click Manual Setup at the bottom. Oct 25, 2017 · But there aren’t many easy ways to back up your Mac over the network. This feature used to be offered by the Airport Time Capsule, a router with a built in hard drive for Time Machine backups, but Apple isn’t planning on making new versions. But anyway, once you select your Time Capsule from the sidebar, you’ll click that “Connect As” button. Then you’ll have to enter your Time Capsule’s password to get in. Oct 31, 2016 · So if you live in a single-Mac household, you might think your only option it to plug in a USB hard drive or buy a $300 Apple Time Capsule. That’s not true. The Raspberry Pi connected to an external hard drive makes for a great improvised alternative to a Time Capsule or another Mac, and it’s much cheaper. Apr 07, 2017 · Launch “Time Machine” on your Mac, and click “Select Backup Disk“. Select the NAS shared folder “TMBackup”. When hovering the mouse over the disk, you can see that backup is via SMB. Enter username “TimeMachine” and the Time Machine password created earlier in this tutorial. You can now use Time Machine to back up your Mac to Nov 28, 2016 · Note1: If you are already using Time Machine software with your USB hard drive, you can skip Steps 1 through 3, and go to Step 4. Step 1: Physically connect the USB hard drive to your Mac. Step 2: On your Mac, go to Spotlight (or the magnifying glass) located at the top right of the screen and search for Disk Utility.

AirPort Time Capsule Setup Guide. Featured Topics. These Wi-Fi router (or Wi-Fi base station) settings are for all Mac computers and iOS devices. They provide the

Time Capsule brings the simplicity of fully automated backup to your Wi-Fi network, without even plugging in a cable. With Time Machine in Mac OS X Leopard, it’s easy and automatic to back up all the computers on your network to a single Time Capsule. The Time Capsule is also a fully featured AirPort Extreme Base Station with 802.11n. So it

Jan 31, 2012 · This time I review one of my favorite new devices, my 2TB Apple Time Capsule that I purchased with my Christmas money! I have been using it for around a month now and have had nothing but great After you set up Time Machine, it automatically backs up your computer on a regular basis. If you're using Mac OS X v10.5.7 or later, the first time you connect to your Time Capsule, Time Machine asks if you'd like to use it to back up your files. Click "Use as Backup Disk," and Time Machine takes care of the rest.