Oct 23, 2013 · 5 Things To Know About The NSA's Surveillance Activities : Parallels Leaks by Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, revealed the agency was monitoring vast amounts of

NSA PRSIM Scandal is an ongoing controversy surrounding the U.S. National Security Agency’s data-mining operation of millions of customers from major telecommunications providers in the United States, as well as its clandestine electronic surveillance program known as PRISM. Jun 26, 2013 · Claim: The revealed NSA surveillance programs have helped prevent potential terrorist events more than 50 times since 9/11 (NSA chief Gen. Keith Alexander, June 18). The NSA's foreign surveillance: 5 things to know The main authority for the agency's foreign surveillance programs expires at the end of the year, and some people want to rein it in Aug 23, 2013 · According to its most recent report (pdf), the board first learned about the NSA’s use of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendment Act — which allows the collection of Feb 28, 2017 · The NSA only collects the type of information found on a telephone bill: phone numbers of calls placed and received, the time of the calls and duration." Major 2014 Revelations about the Surveillance Program. Here's a look at some of the controversial aspects of the NSA's surveillance program made public by Snowden that received headlines in 2014. Mar 18, 2016 · Sometimes, it is not only about the facts and numbers; one must also consider the impact of the NSA’s surveillance on the world of hackers. It is also worth mentioning that such hackers may not

FACT: Administration officials have repeatedly hinted about “other” intelligence programs. The NSA warrantless surveillance program may only be the tip of the iceberg. Congress needs to know about all illegal government surveillance programs before it considers giving the government more surveillance powers.

Apr 08, 2014 · 8 Terrifying Facts About NSA Surveillance. by April 16, 2014 October 14, 2014. Written by Jim Hightower / AlterNet April 16, 2014 October 14, 2014. Aug 26, 2013 · Officials had even told the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the legal entity set up to oversee it, that the NSA gathered no communications between people in the U.S. FACT: Administration officials have repeatedly hinted about “other” intelligence programs. The NSA warrantless surveillance program may only be the tip of the iceberg. Congress needs to know about all illegal government surveillance programs before it considers giving the government more surveillance powers. National Security Agency National Security Agency headquarters, Fort Meade, Maryland. Trevor Paglen to provide an effective, unified organization and control of the communications intelligence activities of the United States conducted against foreign governments, to provide for integrated operational policies and procedures pertaining thereto.

Jun 26, 2013 · WASHINGTON -- A day after coming under fire from congressional critics, the National Security Agency is trying to flush a controversial surveillance "fact sheet" down the memory hole. That fact sheet was supposed to explain how the NSA interprets and uses section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the part of the law that

Jun 27, 2014 · The National Security Agency has released its first "Statistical Transparency Report Regarding Use of National Security Authorities." The report provides details about the number of surveillance