SITA Trust's - Enhancing Communities Fast Track Fund next

A funding zone is anywhere within a two and a half mile radius of a qualifying SUEZ recycling and recovery UK waste processing location. The postcode checker allows you to easily see whether your project location falls within a funding zone. 3G All Weather Zone – Wendron United FC Wendron Football Club received a £14,000 funding boost from SITA Cornwall Trust to enable the resurfacing of its floodlit Multi Use Games Area with a 3rd Generation all weather training carpet. The total cost of the project was £20,500. SITA Cornwall Trust provides funding through the Landfill Communities Fund. Funding is available for community and… London Sport | Funding Search Tool

your funding journey. They also have a range of resources to help you get the most out of Funding Central. E.g. Top ten tips to using the search function; frequently Asked Questions etc. • Partner Zone - Search for potential partners by location, organisation type, range of activities, beneficiaries or by collaborative working skills and

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2 days ago · Zolarity, in Limpopo, is a joint venture between Limpopo Dairies and their Workers’ Trust, a majority black grouping who own 51% of the business with Limpopo Dairies owning a …

Wendron Football Club received a £14,000 funding boost from SITA Cornwall Trust to enable the resurfacing of its floodlit Multi Use Games Area with a 3rd Generation all weather training carpet. The total cost of the project was £20,500. SITA Cornwall Trust provides funding through the Landfill Communities Fund. Funding is available for community and…