Throttling is best defined as when your Internet Service Provider (ISP) intentionally slows the speed of your broadband internet connection. Such throttling is usually a reactive measure used by ISPs and other types of communication networks to regulate a network’s traffic and alleviate network congestion.

How to Detect Internet Throttling by Your ISP | Allconnect Jan 29, 2019 Comcast throttling BitTorrent was no big deal, FCC says Comcast failed to disclose this practice "and initially denied that it was engaged in any throttling," the plan states. But Pai says this doesn't prove the FCC's rules are needed. How To Bypass Comcast's BitTorrent Throttling * TorrentFreak Oct 21, 2007

Comcast Beats FCC In Throttling Case - DC Court of Appeals

Mar 12, 2020 Best VPN for Comcast Xfinity in 2020 for Fastest Speeds Jun 04, 2020

Use a ping tool to see where your network is slowing. Try pinging various addresses at near and far locations. Look at the time in milliseconds that it uses between hops to different domains. One trick ISP’s did in the past was to open their ports

FAQ: Comcast vs. BitTorrent | PCWorld