In 2018, a Chinese law-enforcement agency uncovered a spying operation launched by Australia and arrested agents who work for Australian security intelligence agencies, and seized materials

Central Intelligence Agency. Image Courtesy: CIA. Established In: 1947. Annual Budget: $15 Billion … Australian Security Intelligence Organisation - Wikipedia The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO / ˈeɪzioʊ /) is Australia 's national security agency responsible for the protection of the country and its citizens from espionage, sabotage, acts of foreign interference, politically motivated violence, attacks on the Australian … Five Eyes - Wikipedia The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.. The origins of the FVEY can be traced back to the post–World War II period, when the Atlantic Charter was issued by the Allies to lay out List of intelligence agencies - Wikipedia Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI) – Agencia Federal de Inteligencia. National Intelligence School (ENI) – Escuela Nacional de Inteligencia. Directorate of Judicial Surveillance (DOJ) – Dirección de Observaciones Judiciales. Federal Counternarcotics Service (SEFECONAR) – Servicio …

ASIS offers a wide range of opportunities both in Australia and overseas for highly capable and motivated people dedicated to supporting Australia's national interests. Roles span a broad range of corporate and operational technical functions, providing opportunities for professional development across a range of technical fields. Learn More

Jul 10, 2020 · Australia’s domestic spy agency wants beefed-up powers to interrogate suspects as young as 14 and track cars without a warrant to protect the country from lone-wolf attacks.

Australia's world-first anti-encryption law should be

Cyber attack in Australia: Spy agencies warned PM about Jun 19, 2020 Want to be a spy? Australia's intelligence agency launches